Anyone who owns a doxie knows the joys (ahem, not!) of house breaking a dachshund. My red smooth male, Flash, marks as many places he can, including my bed! Prior to getting Flash, my black and tan girl doxie, Cloe, slept in my bed every night. Now with Flash, I don't dare let him near my down comforter or my pillow. But, thanks to a suggestion from Dorthy and Betty I purchased Flash a belly band, or male diaper. Last night I slept with Cloe and Flash and remembered that the simple things in life, like sleeping with a dachshund, is the most rewarding.
Live Pawsitively,
Aaaw Amanda....Flash is so cute. How old is he? Is he neutered? I am glad the belly band is allowing you to have more cuddle time again.
Flash turned 3 on Halloween. He is neutered. He grew up with more than twenty dogs, so I suspect it had to mark what was "his" a lot. I know he'll get it down soon, and if not it's nothing a few paper towels can't fix :)
GREAT pic! Love the story. :)
I had a housemate who had a dachshund male who made it his life's mission to potty on my down comforter. Flash sounds much less mischievious and is soooo stinkin' cute!
I had never heard about belly bands so I had a friend check it out and she was able to make me a couple. What a difference that made so thanks for posting this story. Great Job!
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