Fortunately, dachshunds are one of the longer lived breeds of dogs, with a life expectancy of 14-17 years on average. I should know - my own special darling boy, Theo, is going to be 16 in April this year. He is my black and tan mini, and owns my heart. I owned his companion, Chloe - a mini red female, until she was 14 1/2 years old. She passed away the fall of 2006.
As our pets age, they have different requirements, just like people. In the photo, you can see that I purchased a doggie stroller for Chloe when she was 14 because although she enjoyed being included in our walks, she tired out very quickly. This was a wonderful investment. It came in very handy not only on local walks, but also for example, when we went to the beach. I was able to keep both dogs in the stroller while in town, avoiding their getting stepped on in crowds. They were able languish in comfort in their Doxie Limo and let me do all legwork. I was able to enter shops with the stroller, plus I could load the back with parcels. We have also used it at doggy "events" and at the dog park.
Sadly, I have lost Chloe, and my Theo is now the one who rides in the stroller. He is still a happy boy, and this makes both of our lives easier.
Live Pawsitively,
Hi Betty - What a wonderful idea to get a dog stroller. My Molly used to love to go for walks but this last year she changed her mind, one day to the next. Sometimes we'd start out and she'd get to the corner and then put on all four brakes and refuse to go any further. One day I thought I'd teach her that I was not not going to take her back home, rather I would continue "my" walk carrying her. Only problem was that my route ended up being two miles before I could get back home. I tried to put her down a few times to see if she'd change her mind but again, ten steps and brakes. Needless to say, a dog stoller would have been a great thing to have. I miss walking with her so this gives me an idea and hopefully we can get back to walking together soon.
I am so glad to hear stories about older Dachshunds. A lot of people don't know that they can live to be 18 to 20 and can still be very active, right up to the end. It's nice you made the commitment to continue her walks with the stroller. Blessings to you and Theo.
I'm glad you found a way to still enjoy the outdoors and walks with your little Theo. I'm sure he's happy to go with you. Thanks for finding a way to make his life so great, even in his senior years. God Bless You.
This is a great story. I had no idea these things existed but I've now checked them out at the pet stores and will be getting one soon.
Thank you for sharing this information. Now my Charlie and I can get out in the fresh air this summer and go for a walk, instead of just being in the back yard.
This site is great! Wonderful pictures and stories. I love dachshunds and people who care for them! Visit DailyDoxie.com for a daily dose of cute dachshunds.
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