One of ODR's adoptive families has sent us an email that we felt was important to share:
We had a near fatal accident happen this morning with
Lucy that I want to pass on to others to warn them about (if you
haven't already). We have never had a home with heater vents on the
floor and all of the dogs love to hang around the vents, especially
in the morning. Buddy does not lay on them like Lucy does, he sits
off to the side. We thought this photo was cute of Lucy but notice
her little pink name tag on her collar. It slipped down the vent
this morning and twisted sideways, hanging Lucy in the vent. Thank
God we were in the same room with her an I heard and saw her
struggle. She was literally pinned down with no room to get your
fingers between her collar to get it out of the vent. I rushed to
her and tried to calm her down while my husband was trying to unsnap
her collar. Of course she was crying out of fright and peed all
over herself. We were going to cut the collar off but managed to
lift the vent up with her. I could not have handled this alone.
Lucy was terrified and I held her for a long time. Thankfully, she
was not hurt but she could have died. We removed her collar and
later she went right back to sit on the vent.
It was something we would never have thought of - all our dogs have
collars with names and phone numbers on - and we buy the smallest
ones. They need to have I.D. on them but I am thinking I should
look for collars with the flat I.D.s riveted to the collars.
Adoptive Parent of Lucy,
February "Dog of the Month"
Wow, thanks for the warning. My dog loves to lay on my heat vents and I would have never thought of this. What if it happened when I was not at home or in the same room.
Does anyone know where you can get those flat ID collars? Do you have to send away for them? The only ones I have ever seen are plastic coated and for large dogs. Ideas?
Wow - what a remarkable change from the little dog I saw in your Newsletter last month. Way to go guys! She's beautiful.
I just shave my dog's back with her name in it.
Nah -- I think they might have some at Furever Pets on NE Broadway in Portland, and a lot of stores can refer you. I found a couple of sites:
You can even have it embroidered on!
Is this the most beautiful little girl you have ever seen in your life, or what!??!
How could anyone leave her out in the freezing cold winter without food!
wow, my dog does this too thanks for the heads up. Yopla yogart containers are deadly too. My Mother lost her male when he got one out of the garbage and got it stuck on his nose and died. We never buy that brand and won't allow it in the house. Fritz is missed too. Thanks again...
I remember the story about Lucy from your last newsletter. It's hard to believe it's the same sad little, skinny dog we saw pictures of. You have done a remarkable job with her and provided her a very loving home. How absolutely wonderful. This is what does my heart good when I see a dog like Lucy rescued and then taken care of so well. She's a lucky little dog but then I think you are the ones who are lucky.
You people are the very best. Thank you for taking care of Lucy and nursing her back to health. I know there are a lot of dogs out there that are not getting the care and love they need and Lucy is just one of thousands. You are doing a remarkable thing - one dog at a time - so thank you from the bottom of my heart and the hearts of all the little dogs you have helped save. God Bless you and your mision.
Glad I saw this. I have always gotten my pet tags from luckypets.com and they have the option of a flat tag that slides on the collar, so that's what I ordered for my new doxies.
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